Who we are

Cyprus Integrity Forum

The Cyprus Integrity Forum (CIF) was initiated in 2010, registered in the year 2011, and is today the leading institution in Cyprus for the fight against corruption and promotion of transparency. It is an independent, non-governmental, non-politically partisan, and non-profit organisation. CIF collaborates with various organisations in Cyprus, Europe, and the USA.  We effectively raise public awareness in all layers of society for combating corruption in our everyday lives. We aim to enhance the content and quality of public and corporate governance in all forms of business and ensure that the State and all Governmental Bodies act and behave in a manner that promotes transparency and ethics in all respects.

CIF has already delivered substantial work to the Cypriot society by being the only organisation in Cyprus that has sensitised the public about corruption. Our initiatives support legal and regulatory reforms at the national level by promoting practical tools for individuals, organisations, and companies who want to fight corruption by being an external expert against corruption in Cyprus and raising transparency regarding specific events and situations.

CIF serves as the primary source of information for both the government and the broader public on corruption and reform issues in Cyprus.

CIF works with the Cypriot government and other organisations to reduce government officials’ discretion, build and strengthen institutions (institutional framework) to facilitate reform in areas where there is corruption, and promote good governance in key policy areas.

Our core




Our mission is to strengthen society by increasing public perception regarding the impact of corruption and encouraging citizens to participate in the fight against corruption and improve public and private governance in Cyprus by promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability.

The Members of the Board of Directors after their election sign and adopt the Code of Conduct.

We want to live in a place where the government, politics, businesses, society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.

The members of the Board of Directors after their election sign and adopt the Code of Ethics.
We want to live in a place where the government, politics, businesses, society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.

The action of the CIF is essentially defined by the strategic objectives set out below:

  • Limiting the growth and impact of corruption, and where possible, eliminating the phenomenon
  • Develop and implement actions, studies, and research in Cyprus to increase awareness / understanding of the need for ethical behaviour
  • Implement all types of actions to prevent, discourage and combat illegal practices and all forms of corruption
  • Submit proposals to public authorities, physical and legal entities for all matters relating to all aspects of corruption and propose ways to combat corruption
  • Raise the awareness of politicians, technocrats, administrators and decision-making individuals, independent government officials, the media, and the general public on all aspects of the phenomenon of corruption
  • Mobilise professional, social, economic, and political circles to strengthen ethical behaviour

The members of the Board of Directors after their election sign and adopt the Code of Ethics.
We want to live in a place where the government, politics, businesses, society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.
